Shedd aquarium, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, gratefully acknowledges the sustaining contributions of the people of chicago, state of illinois and chicago park district. shedd is an accredited member of the association of zoos and aquariums, a smithsonian affiliate, and humane conservation certified by american humane.. Shedd aquarium, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, gratefully acknowledges the sustaining contributions of the people of chicago, state of illinois and chicago park district. shedd is an accredited member of the association of zoos and aquariums, a smithsonian affiliate, and humane conservation certified by american humane.. Shedd after hours is a time for adults to relax, socialize, enjoy music, dance and take in spectacular skyline views on the lakeside terraces..
Located on the shores of lake michigan, shedd aquarium brings you eye-to-eye with more than 32,000 aquatic animals - from whales to snails, tarantulas to turtles, angelfish to zebra sharks!. Shedd aquarium, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, gratefully acknowledges the sustaining contributions of the people of chicago, state of illinois and chicago park district. shedd is an accredited member of the association of zoos and aquariums, a smithsonian affiliate, and humane conservation certified by american humane.. Shedd aquarium, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, gratefully acknowledges the sustaining contributions of the people of chicago, state of illinois and chicago park district. shedd is an accredited member of the association of zoos and aquariums, a smithsonian affiliate, and humane conservation certified by american humane..